Saturday, February 21, 2015

Review of "Freshman Making Faith Your Priority"

I was given the honor of being able to review "Freshman Making Faith Your Priority" by Lars Rood. I am glad I was given this opportunity because I have a child that is at the end of his 8th grade year so that chapter will be closing and he will be opening a new chapter as a freshman in high school. This year will be bitter sweet my middle son will be playing his last spring game as a chief and my youngest will be playing his fist spring game as a chief.
This book is truly amazing it really helps the target audience get a feeling of what is to come. It would be great for you and your child to do together so that you both can understand what is about to happen. My 14 yr old has always had problems he has Asperger's Syndrome, he is very high functioning and has come a long way. I gave the book to my son to read and to pick out 2 devotionals to do and answer the questions so that I would be able to give an accurate review of the books target audience.
The book is a 30 day devotional book that  is broke up into 3 sections
"A Whole Year of Firsts"
"Growing in Faith"
"Where is Jesus"
Each devotional has 5 sections, the devotional reading, questions to think about, the world thinks, act and a list of scriptures to read. My son chose devotional # 1 and #2
#1 The first day
1) How might you want to reach out to hurting people at your school? (yes as a freshman you can still have an impact.)
his answer "Pray for them"
2) Do you want faith to be a part of your life at school this year? If so why?
his answer "Yes so God can guide me"
3) What things do you want to "bring "with you from your last school, and what things do you want to "leave" behind?
His answer "bring my friends, leave behind bad memories"
#2 "The First Temptations?
1) How do you protect yourself from making bad choices?
His answers " choose good friends and avoid peer pressure"
2) What are some things that you know could potentially be major temptations to you?
his answer "stay with good friends and avoid peer pressure and bad situations"
3) How do temptations and struggle play into your faith journey?
His answer "because of the choices you make"
If you are interested in purchasing this Devotional you may do so by clicking on the link below.
Family Christian "Freshman Making Faith Your Priority"

Review of "Senior Preparing for the Future"

I had the pleasure of receiving a copy of the book "Senior Preparing for the Future" by Lars Rood. I have 3 boys one who is 20 and on his own who did not make the best choices, a 17 yr old who is at the end of his junior year and about to embark on his senior year and getting ready to transition in college which is a life on his own, and a 14 yr old who is about to enter a whole different world called high school.
The book is excellent in the fact that it is written in a way that teens can understand. The book is a 30 day devotional book broke up into 3 sections 'The Busy Season", "Slow and Low", and "Heading Out the Door". Each devotional is broken up to start with a passage to read, three questions to think about, the world thinks, act, and bible passages to read. This book would be great for the child and parents to do the devotional together so both can get a feel of what is happening and what your child thinks and what they are dealing with.

I had my son to pick out 2 devotionals to read and answer the questions he picked out devotional #1 and #23. I will list the questions and his answers.
 Devotional 1 is called "Will This Year be Great?'
1)What are you most looking forward to your senior year? Why?
His answer "Football" "because it is my final yr"
2) Is there anything you are particularly nervous or worried about? If so why?
his answer "Picking the right college keeping my grades up and picking the right college"
3) How do you think your relationship with God needs to grow or change this year?
his answer "I need to get closer to God to let him lead me in the right direction and to make the right choices"

Devotional 23 is called "Adjusting Your Relationship with Your Parents"
1) How do you think this transition away from your parents will be for you? For them?
His answer "It will be hard for me, but easier for them because I will be the second to leave"
(little does he know it doesn't get any easier the second time)
2) Do you believe you are ready for this change now? If not how can you get ready?
His answer " No because I am scared." I can get ready by letting God lead me in the right direction so I can follow his plan for my life"
3) What role do your parents have in your faith? Are you ready to really, truly own your faith for yourself ? Why or why not
His answer " they have guided me to God. I am ready to stand on my own follow God ready to face consequences for my actions"
If you are interested in purchasing this devotional you may do so by clicking on the link below.
Family Christian "Senior Preparing for the Future"

Review of " Junior Making Sense of it All"

Being a mother to 3 boys has not been an easy task by any means. I was a single mom most of that time I have a 20 yr old who has already left the nest. I have a 14yr old who is about to be in High school. I have a 17 yr old who is at the end of junior year which includes class rings, getting attention from colleges, and Prom. I had the awesome opportunity to review the book "Junior Make Sense of it All" By Lars Rood. This is when I enlisted the help of my 17 yr old Junior about to be Senior. I asked him to pick a couple of devotionals and read and answer the questions that are after the devotion because I thought that it would be good to have the perspective of who the devotions are intended for. The book has 30 devotionals in it for Juniors. The book is broke up into three sections, "Do You Know Who You Are?", "Who do Others Say You Are?" and "Who Does Jesus Say You Are?".
My son chose devotional 26 and 28. Devotional 26 is entitled "You are Trusted". The devotional has a short passage to read that is followed by 3 question to think about followed by "the World Thinks" which is followed by a section called "Act" then followed by a list of Bible passages to read. I am going to share with you the questions and the answers that my son gave.
Devotion 26
1) How much do you believe your parents trust you?
his answer is "I believe they trust me with things more than other teenagers are trusted with"
2) What are ways you have worked to earn their trust? How have you lost their trust
His answer "I have earned their trust by coming home by curfew, I have lost their trust by lying to them about stupid stuff"
3) In your Christian walk, how trustworthy has God been to you?
his answer "God has been extremely trustworthy to me he has led me to make decisions I never thought I could."
Devotion 28
1) What does it mean when you hear "you are holy"?
His answer "you are right with God"
2) How does it make you feel when you do things that you know are against what God wants you to do?
His answer "I feel I am unworthy of his love"
3) What are some action step that you could put into place that would help you turn away from things that you know are not good for you?
His answer "I would always think of what God would do and follow the 10 commandments"
 I highly recommend this devotional book for any parent that has a Junior in high school or a soon to be Junior. I have not been paid this is a true review of my opinion I was supplied with the book and have not been paid.
If you are interested in purchasing this devotional you may do so by clicking on the link below.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Review of "Lucado Treasury of Bedime Prayers"

We had the pleasure of getting to review the book "Lucado  Treasury of Bedtime Prayers"
There is nothing bad to say about this book at all! I wishe I could have had a book like this whe my kids were younger. The prayers in the book has sections that is more than just bedtime prayers. The book offers 
Good Morning God
God You Are Good
My Family And Friends
In My Play and Through My day
My Mealtime Prayers
God Takes Care of Me
Teach Me, God
Prayers for Special Days
Thank You, God
Good Night, God
This book is amazing! My favorite time is when my grand babies are here and in the bed with us and I get to read this book for her the illustrations are wonderful the pictures help to keep the attention of the little ones.
Family Christian Lucado Treasury of Bedtime Prayers


Monday, February 9, 2015

Sewing Happenings

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I am super Happy to announce there are many items I am currently working on to kick Christy's Creations into hi gear this is my grumpy granddaughter that will be my inspiration for kicking things up a few notches. I invite you to visit and browse the items and there will soon be more added

Monday, February 2, 2015


Here you will find product reviews

Sewing life

I will be posting about sewing projects here

project 2


project one

I am starting a huge project I am asking for anyone that would like to please donate any dolls that are discarded or unwanted I am now refurbishing them to start a program to either donate to the sick kids at the local Children's Hospital or save them and donate for Christmas Charities I would take any help that is offered. I will share pictures of dolls I am currently restoring