This book is an amazing inspiration to those mothers who are modern and crafty that use Pinterest, and blogs to help inspire their creative side. I loved this book other that the fact that it is naturally assumed that being a mom has stifled your creative side, if anything being a mother and grandmother made my creative side perk up more than ever. Everywhere I looked and everything I saw I would get ideas of how I wanted to use everything or up cycle an item for a different use.
Mothers automatically take on creative roles when coming to ideas for Halloween costumes, ideas for birthday parties, decorating children's rooms in a creative colorful theme that will be the envy of all other littles. As my children have gotten older and now I have become a grandmother my creative side shines even more. I now sew boutique clothes (had boys now a grand daughter in the mix), make hairbows, and blog. "Life Creative" is an amazing book and every mother needs to read this book.